Sifu Gregory LeBlanc Wing Chun, Oakland, California
No-Nonsense Self Defense (Marc “The Animal” MacYoung)
Chiron Training Rory Miller’s site
All information provided at Snake vs Crane is for informational purposes only.
Please consult a sports professional or a doctor before trying out any exercise or training routines.
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Information you disclose in the comments becomes public information and you should be careful when disclosing your information in a submission. Whatever you write is for the world to see.
If you email me, I will keep this contact confidential and will not use your name if I discuss your question or comment on the blog. Maybe I’ll just use your surname (this blog post thanks to John, etc).
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If I get your email address I’ll only use it to send you free content and to let you know if I publish something – which will happen one of these days! But no SPAM ever.